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Does Image Really Matter?
Through the years we have seen images come and go, and with the new
wave of computers and social networking, images are faster and in more
places than ever before.

The 90′s were a strange time for music imagery. Grunge was the new thing. Ripped up blue jeans and a flannel shirt were all you needed to fit in. This era brought us some very talented musicians, but image was the last thing on any of their minds. The new wave of music didn’t need much of an image. Bands like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Nirvana were just blowing our minds with the art of music. Theatrics in music did start showing up again though. Some groups that started appearing in this era did grab hold of the art of imagery. SlipKnot was one. White Zombie was another. Would the Insane Clown Posse fit here? Who could forget Gwar? These bands all proved that image is something to be exploited.
The turn of the century didn’t bring much change to the scene. It seemed to take a page out of previous eras for it’s inspiration. White Zombie turned into just Rob Zombie, and took off like a rocket! Branching off to do theatrical imaging in movies and such, Rob Zombie has carved himself a nice little groove in the history

for themselves already. When you go see a show it’s like pushing open the batwing doors of some eighteenth century saloon, bellying up to the bar, and listening to stories from the old west. Everything the band does is part of that story. The characters, the clothes, the vibe…all are pieces to the incredible puzzle that this band has put together. From beginning to end their set is a journey through the past, and just like any good western…it is always entertaining. They have a great eye for art and how to tie it in with the music that they write. Fronted by