2 IN THE CHEST WILL BE PERFORMING AT BLOOZE BAR MAY 9th THIS IS A BENEFIT SHOW FOR THE RECENTLY DEPARTED KYLE LUMMUS TO HELP THE FAMILY 12014 N 32nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85028 IN JEROME ARIZONA AT THE JEROME INDIE FILM AND MUSIC FESTIVAL IN SEPTEMBER GUESSTIMATION DATES ARE 3RD 4TH AND 5TH--- DIRTY JONES BIRTHDAY BASH PRIVATE PARTY JUNE 20TH PHOENIX ARIZONA....................................................WE ARE WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION ON MORE SHOWS KEEP UP TO DATE RIGHT HERE ON THE 2ITC WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK..........................................................We will be announcing more performances in 2015. Stand ready all you Dwellers of dust.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2 IN THE CHEST IS LOOKING FOR MORE VENUES TO BOOK SHOWS IN. WE DO NOT SELL TICKETS THIS IS WHY OUR SHOWS HAVE BEEN LIMITED. TO BOOK 2 IN THE CHEST AT YOUR VENUE EMAIL NELSON RICHARDS AT 2INTHECHEST@LIVE.COM_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 IN THE CHEST WILL BE POSTING MORE SHOW DATES IN THE NEXT COUPLE DAYS PLEASE COME BACK TO FIND OUT WHERE WE WILL BE RESURRECTED NEXT PEACE LOVE AND 2 IN THE CHEST_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

DUST BOWL METAL SHOW hosted by the Reverend Black Jack McBride



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Thursday, August 1, 2013

2 IN THE CHEST Articles of Interest

2 IN THE CHEST Articles of Interest

Go Ask Alice!

Does Image Really Matter?68549_106187882913455_574284608_n

Through the years we have seen images come and go, and with the new wave of computers and social networking, images are faster and in more places than ever before.
ozzy-osbourne-the-ultimate-sin 999367_10151797158687318_851188616_nIn the 70′s we had bands like Kiss, Alice Cooper, Molly Hatchet, Meatloaf, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd. These were bands that knew what image was all about. Music and imagery go hand in hand, and these people knew it! Would any of these bands be as popular as they were, if they didn’t have the images that went along with the music they were writing? Imagine seeing Alice with no makeup…Imagine Pink Floyd with no laser show….Imagine Molly Hatchet or Meatloaf without those epic album covers., We all know the difference between Kiss with makeup and Kiss without it. They saw right away that they had to bring it back. Black Sabbath was born through scary images. Ozzy saw very clearly that people loved to be scared to death. He saw a line around the corner to see Boris Karloff’s  ”Black Sabbath“… and the rest was history. Taking on such artist’s as Boris Vallejo to put the art with the image.
Metallica_photo2540459_354808984571924_1053646534_n In the 80′s things changed dramatically. No more theatrical makeup. We traded that in for the more 600069_423474021027312_78890143_ntraditional manner in which makeup is used…for beauty. All of a sudden all these bands wanted to look like girls…and it worked. These guys got the girls! Everyone was doing it…there are bands that started out with makeup that I’ll bet you didn’t even know, did. Pantera is one…Gun’s and Roses are another. Although these bands changed their “image” drastically along the way, don’t forget where they started. The true curators of the glam image has to be Poison. They may not have created the look, but they sure perfected it. Countless other bands soon followed suit. Motley Crue, Ratt, Enuff Znuff, Warrant, Cinderella….just to name a few. The glam image went out just as quickly as it came. There were other bands that set the tone for the next wave. Metallica, Megadeth, Testament, all proved you could get up there in just jeans and a t-shirt and still blow their minds, but their album art is primarily what got them where they were. Pushead is another great artist that deserves a mention here.
The 90′s were a strange time for music imagery. Grunge was the new thing. Ripped up blue jeans and a flannel shirt were all you needed to fit in. This era brought us some very talented musicians, but image was the last thing on any of their minds. The new wave of music didn’t need much of an image. Bands like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Nirvana were just blowing our minds with the art of music. Theatrics in music did start showing up again though. Some groups that started appearing in this era did grab hold of the art of imagery. SlipKnot was one. White Zombie was another. Would the Insane Clown Posse fit here? Who could forget Gwar? These bands all proved that image is something to be exploited.
The turn of the century didn’t bring much change to the scene. It seemed to take a page out of previous eras for it’s inspiration. White Zombie turned into just Rob Zombie, and took off like a rocket! Branching off to do theatrical imaging in movies and such, Rob Zombie has carved himself a nice little groove in the history28914_10151614265788323_1723713005_n of rock! Other artists have stepped up to the plate when it comes to art. Marylyn Manson has definitely taken a page out of Ozzy’s book of tricks. Rammstein too, sort of. Tool has written a page of their own, with their videos and album art. Let’s not forget the king of marketing and imagery Kid Rock! This guy knows the value of an image.
944255_10151751052960049_1316116977_nNow in 2013, there are so many photos being taken, and so many places to share these images, that it has over saturated the market. There are still some bands that are taking hold of this strategy. Witch brings me to my point. Here locally there are a couple of groups who stand at the forefront of imagery and art. These bands bring together art and music in such a way, they can only be compared to the likes of Alice, or Gwar.

993643_545883748793386_175162218_n2 In the Chest. Formed in July of 2011,  2 In the Chest have made quite a name 
for themselves already. When you go see a show it’s like pushing open the batwing doors of some eighteenth century saloon, bellying up to the bar, and listening to stories from the old west. Everything the band does is part of that story. The characters, the clothes, the vibe…all are pieces to the incredible puzzle that this band has put together. From beginning to end their set is a journey through the past, and just like any good western…it is always entertaining. They have a great eye for art and how to tie it in with the music that they write. Fronted by 429903_418590191522743_354969547_nReverend Blackjack McBride, this trio makes every show well worth the cover to get in. Both audibly and visually…you will not be disappointed. With Dr. Dagmar Jordanson on the bass, and Velvet DeBlonko, on the drums 2 In the Chest know how to put on a show! With their hard driving sound and their ghostly theatrics, they are sure to entertain. Their  much anticipated EP , Dirt Nap, is due out later this year, and I am sure that there is a lot more to come from this band. Check out their website for a closer look at 2 In the Chest! www.2inthechest.net. Be sure to listen for a full interview with the band on ourcityradio,